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What is new at cattery
Macawi Mosi
My new male is arrived. Welcom Big Winner Quentin Tarantino!
Poshita and Nidawi expect their litters at the begining of December.
The kittens had their first shot. All are healthy.
It is official, Uno Argento aka Archy is now Grand International Champion!
Jag has at the show in Belgium his CACM cert. and BIS and BOB and nom BOA (2points)
He is almost a WORLD CHAMPION! Archy breeds Trisna and I hope to welcom their kittens at the begining of november. Archy could be a GIC at that time.
I warm welcom my new girl, Felisophia Curcuma in my cattery!!! I am sooo happy with her. Gorgeous type kitten and the sweetest temperament ever. Thank you Paola to let me love this beautiful female.
I start to deepclean my cattery with the Vircon S to destroy Virus, Bacterial and (not in my house) fungal. All to keep my cats and kitten healthy!!!
All kittens has found a fantastic new home. 
The kittens are born. I had a nasty virus which made a little star from 3 kittens. Pictures from the babies are coming at the end of this week.
If mother nature agrees I hope to welcom the kittens from Archy and Poshita, Trisna and Nidawi!!!
Archy and Poshita had a lovely night together and maybe I will have their babies half November!
My breed Jaguar is placed on the cover of the Neocat magazine and is crowned cat! I introduce my cattery in that magazine with a lot of pictures from my cats placed. No need to tell that I am very proud. Thank you Neocat for given me the opportunity to introduce myself and placed my wonderful male Jag at the cover.
Nikov and Archy are clear tested for HCM!! Archy also for, PKD and is ready to breed.
Nikov received his last certificate to become European Champion. Well done Nikov. Now he will have a show break
Nidawi has given birth to 2 healthy babies.
Poshita has given birth to 2 beautiful and healthy kittens and became also a foster mother of 4 MC,s. She love to be a mum of so many kittens. More news next week.
Jag was called "king"at the show in Delft. He is marvelous!!
Just 2 weeks before I hope to welcome Poshita's babies.
The show in Lage Zwaluwe was very succesful!! All of Double Espresso's kittens , who were at show, became BIS and also have received the BIV; Victor, Theya and Urika, well done! Argento has his first CAC and the BIV!!
Poshita is expecting her first litter. If all went well she will deliver her babies at the begining of Dezember
Essie did a great job at the show in Belgium. He has his first CACE and the BIV and Nom. The judge loves him as a gorgeous type of Maine Coon. Jag is now European Champion! Well done boys!
Namid and son Victor are doing great. Namid does not have milk. I raise the little boy by hand. He grows up together with the U litter.
At 27 of June Namid has deliver her son. That is very special. She develops DPS during her pregnancy.
The babies from Nidawi and Honey are doing fine and growing fast. The T litter will have there shots this Friday.
Macawi Mosi Nahuel aka Jag belongs to the topcats of Holland. At what rank we will know at 17 of October when he receive his award.
Honeymoon has delivered her 4 beautiful and healthy babies. 
No kittens I wait for the delivery of Honey's upcoming litter.
Just two weeks to go for her upcoming litter. This will be her last litter. She will retire.
I see pink nipples at Honeymoon!!
Nidawi has deliver her 3 babies. More information on there own page.
1 week to go before Nidawi will deliver her babies. All is well.
At the show in Gent has Nikov became his last certificate to be granded. Now he is a GIC. Well done Nikov !
Jag. has his certificate and nom.
Poshita is now Champion !!
Jag and Nikov did a great job at the show in Veenendaal; Nikov the BIV and Jag. BIV, BIS and BOB !!
Nidawi expect about 4 babies at the end of April.
Nidawi had a romantic night with Nikov. I do hope to see pink nipples about one week!
Nikov is the Sire of the 3 babies born at cattery Milbury today. Congratulations Natascha with those wonderful kittens.
Nikov did also a great job at the show in Houten. He received his first CAGCI and the BIV (of 5) and the nomination for BIS and he became BIS !! Well done Nikov. It was very close to become BOB. 
Jag did a great job at the show in Houten. He received his last Certivicate to become and GIC. Poshita received her second CAC. Well done brother and sister.
I am looking for a for ever home for my neutered boy Scotty :-(((. 
All the best for 2015! May all of our dreams come true.
The plans for 2015 are ready. I do have some very interesting combinations !!. 
My boys did a great job at the show in Ter Aar. Jaguar; CAGCI, BIV and BIS! Nikov CACIB and now IC. and nomination BIS. Scotty CAC and BIV.
Today my S litter got there first shots.
I have 1 female available. Take a look at the kitten page for information.
Macawi Mosi Ryusei's Nahuel aka Jag. did a fantastic job at the show in Dordrecht. He received his CACIB, BIV, BIS and BOB(92 Coons) and nom. BOA. Those wins are for Riven.
Show was very suuces full. Jag CACIB and BIV! He is now International Champion!! Nikov CACIB and Nomination! Scotty U1 and Nomination!
Next weekend I will go to the show in Belgium with Nikov, Jag. and Scot. 
Tomorrow the kittens from Nidawi will have there first shots and medical investigation. 
Nidawi's kittens are 10 weeks and runs around the livingroom, hall, kitchen. In 2 weeks they will have there shots!
Honey's babies are 4 weeks now and growing fast.  
At 7 July Honeymoon has deliver her 5 babies. Over 1 week I will drop information and pictures at my ws.
Nidawi's kittens are now 4 weeks and doning fine!!One week to go for Honeymoon. I expect 3 or 4 kittens.
Nidawi has deliver her babies !!Big healthy babies. All is well She is a perfect mother. 
I see pink nipples at Honeymoon. She has to deliver her babies at the end of June if mother nature agrees
Nidawi has to deliver her babies at the end of this week!! All is well.
Scotty had an excellent show resul at the Show in Aperldoorn. He  became U1. He was very relaxed!
I see pink nipples at Nidawi !!! Not yet at Namid.
----Nidawi and Namid has some  very romantic nights with Nikov. Keep your fingers crossed that they are pregnant.
At the show in Gouda  Macawi Mosi Honeymoon's Namid received her 3e CAC and is now  Champion. She also got the nomination for the BIS. Her sister became an U1 and also the nomination for the BIS. Well done girls!!
We have a new male; Peshewa farm Scotch .
Thank you Adriana Matusiak for this loving and purring perfect male.
I am so very happy with him.
At the show in Uitgeest became Nidawi an excellent result.
CAC and the BIV. Namid U2.
Lola has be spayed today. A sad day for my cattery.
The worldshow in Houten  was very succesful. Nidawi CAC and BIV and Nomination.
She is Champion, Namid CAC and BIV, Poshita; U1, BIV and Nomination,
Jaguar; CACIB and BIV, Nikov; CAC and BIV and Nomination !!
2013Nikov and Nidawi are both clear tested by specialist Warmerdam  for HCM and PKD.
At Christmas Lola dilever her baby with a Caesarian section.
The baby was blue and we could not let it breeding. The baby died.
Lola's uterus will never be able to deliver babies. She will be spayed.
She stays in my cattery. I cannot let her go I love her so,
My "plans" for 2014 are ready!!
The brothers Jag and Pandu went to the show in Delft with excellent results.
Pandu was so relaxed.
He became U1 and the nomintion at his age of 3 months!
Jag could not receive the BIV because he was the only smoke in show burt receive the nomination!
It was a close finish but
Jag. is now Champion in 1 day at the TICA show in Hellevoetsluis!
The kittens are growing very fast. You can see them at there page.
Enjoy new pictures of the babies.
Jaguar received his 2e CAC and the BIV and NOM at the show in Ter Aar!
Lola received her CACE and the Nom. and
Became Best In Show!!
The kitten Odakota has found a great new home!!
At 11 of August Honeymoon delivered her kittens. 2 boys and 3 females !!
More information at the kittenpage and pictures coming soon next week
I expect the kittens of Honeymoon and Ryusei in about some days!!
Mahal's baby Odakota is growing very fast now.
He has a lovely temp and is waiting for new owners.
He has a rare pedigree. Take a look at his own page and enjoy the new pictures.
Honeymoon is 3,5 weeks pregnant and  she has beautiful pink nipples!!
Today I went with Lola to the specialist to make a scan.
She has a false pregnancy. No kittens this year for her:-((
Mahal has given birth to 1 solid black beautiful male!
I felt Mahal's kitten(s) moving ! We have to wait for 1,5 weeks to deliver her kittens.
Macawi Mosi Honeymoon's Mahal is pregnant.
If everything went well she will deliver her babies at the end of May.
Take a look at my plans for more information.
The FIFE Easternshow in Apeldoorn was a great succes!! Ryusei's Nahuel; U1, BIV,
Honeymoon's Nidawi; U1 and Honeymoon's Namid; U1, BIV and NOMination.
She was the best junior female in show!!
Cattycats Magical Obsedian aka Lola became her last certificate. Now she is GIC .
Together with my best friend  Frances van der Sluis was I looking for a new studmale.
Frances spotted him at Russia. I went to Russia to pick him up.
Frozen Moon's Double Espresso aka Kalashnikov is his name.
He is sweet and gorgeous little man. I am so happy to have him in my cattery; Macawi Mosi!!
Thank you Victoria for trusting me to let your lovely boy go to me.
The show in Woerden was very succes full. Simon; U1 CAC and NOM.
Romeo received his first IP certificate.
The Worldshow in Houten was very succesfull.
Nidawi U1, BIV and BIS! Namid U1 and BIV. Nahuel(Jag) U1 and Nom. Pr.Romeo U1, BIV and Nom.
Macawi Mosi Honeymoon's Mahal and Mount Desert's Signor (Simon)
are negative tested for PL. HCM and PKD!
Macawi Mosi has new plans! Thank you Frances and Jan to make my dreams come true.
Notau has a new and loving home in Germany.
Good luck to you my sweet heart.
Nila has moved to her new home. Have fun Nila.
The FIFE show in Uitgeest was a great succes! Macawi Mosi Ryusei's Nigan; U1 and BIV.
Macawi Mosi Honeymoon's Namid; U1. The litter  U1 and Nomination for BIS.
The litter was the best MC litter in show and 2e best over all.
Tomorrow Nokomis will leave to her new can openers.
Good luck to you my sweet heart!
Lola and Mahal went to the show in Nijmegen. Lola received her first GIC cert. and the BIV  !
Mahal het first CAC cert.
The judges loves her as a type!
All of the kittens has found a for ever home.
Romeo and Simon went to the show in Dordrecht.
Romeo received his 2e CAP and BIV and BIS !!
Simon received his CAC!
The N litter got their shots and Vet. Check up.
Everything was fine!!
The litter is growing fast now.
New pictures on there page.
New pictures from the N litter droped on their page and a movi at Youtube
At 24 of June Honeymoon and Ryusei became the proud parents of 7 beautiful kittens.!
Take a look at there own page!
Lola's pregantsy did not went well. I went to the specialist for an ultra sound scan but he did not find any kittens.
Just 2 empty cocon's. Her babies did not develop.
When she is cured I try this combnation again.
Lola is pregnant to. Yieppie!!
Mount Desert's Romeo of Macawi Mosi got at the show in Hoogvliet his CAP and the BIV and Best In Show!!
Mount Desert's Signor Exclusivo of Macawi Mosi got his U1 and the nomination BIS for the Junior class!!
Honeymoon is pregnant !! Sorry but NO to breeders.
Versus Ryusei was here to breed Honeymoon.
If everything went well, I will expect the kittens at the end June, first of July.
Lola received at the FIFE show in Apeldoorn her second CACIB !
Mount Desert's Signor Exclusivo aka Simon became an U1 and the BIV of class 11 and 12 (8cats)
Mount Desert's Romeo became his first CAP What a great results!!
Mister and Honeymoon are both negative tested at Fiv and Felv
For the first time to show. All of the cats needs time to feel confortable at the showhall.
Simon is negative tested at Fungi, Giardia and bacterials in feases by lab. Yieppie!
I have pick up my new male Simon, a lovely black smoke kitten.
Just still a few more weeks and I am going to Italy to pick up Romeo's half brother 
Mount Desert's Signor Exclusivo aka Simon.
He is a black smoke boy.
Mira has found herself a lovely house, better as before (CC catery) .
She will visit shows in future.
All of my cats are clean tested (certificate) by Vet at the Giardia Oocysten!2011
I found a new home for Bly and her  son Lootah !!
I did not go to show.  The kittens does not feel well .
The kittens are better!
Romeo has developed Entropion and will be neutered soon  
Kumar is 3e best kitten in Austria!

Take a look at  my "plans"  ,I have a wonderful combination.

Thank you Jan and Frances to make this combination possible.
Romeo is neutered and has his own page.
